Area Churches

Worship Services

November 11th - 11am Remembrance Day Service at the Cenotaph.

Thorndale United Churche

11:00 am Thorndale United Church, 245 King Street
Pam Wilcox 519-609-6132

Vacation Bible School - Thorndale 
Annually in July
To Register or for information call Yvonne 519-461-0067 or email [email protected]

Thorndale United Church - Ham and Strawberry Supper 

Thorndale United Church
245 King Street
Throndale, ON

South Nissouri Presbyterian Church

11am Worship (Aug 1st to Jan. 31st); 9:30am (Feb 1st to July 31st)

17358 Oliver Road at Heritage, Thorndale
Sunday School Available
Rev. Heather Paton 519-268-3399

The home of the Community Garden Plots!

South Nissouri Presbyterian Church
17358 Oliver Road at Heritage, Thorndale
Thorndale, ON

St. George's Anglican Church

11:15am, 172 King St. Thorndale
Minister: Rev. Patty Dobbs Luxton

Church Contacts: (519) 765-4019 or [email protected]

St. George's Anglican Church
172 King St. Thorndale
Thorndale, ON

Hardcare Ministries

Hardcore Ministries Canada

Tom & Sharyn Sherman 519-461-1822